Thursday, April 20, 2017

April and May Activities

Dear Families,
What beautiful weather we have had this month.  Students have really enjoyed being outside and starting to build laps in our Long Trail Activity.  The students have filled up our token jar and have requested a fort day to celebrate.  They may bring in a blanket or pillow to relax with tomorrow.  Please do not send in anything very special or valuable.  Also please make sure all building materials are clean before coming to school.

Fourth graders will be taking the SBAC test the week after vacation (May 2-5).  Here is what the approximate schedule will look like.  Not all tests will take 1 ½ hours but we wanted to make sure that all students would have time built in to finish. Thank you for trying to ensure that your child is present here at school and is well rested this week.
SBAC Testing Schedule:
10:00-11:30 and 1:15-2:45
10:00-11:30 and 1:15-2:45
10:00-11:30 and 1:15-2:45

During SBAC week (and again during Science NECAPs May 15-19) students will be allowed to have gum and other snacks such as pretzels, goldfish, animal crackers and mints.  Please let me know if you would be willing to pick up some of these supplies to share with the class.  Feel free to comment here, or send me an email.
Thank you,
Miss Taylor

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